On Saturday, November 3, 2018 during children’s story we will have our Adventurer Blessing Service. It is a special ceremony which gives parents the opportunity to bless their children by affirming to them their value in the eyes of their parents and in the eyes of God. During this service, parents recommit themselves to stand by their children in good times and in bad times, and to always seek to model for their children the great and unfailing love of God.
The blessing will take place during the mid-day service and it will include a short talk about the meaning of the family blessing in Scripture, then parents and children will read some scripture verses aloud together.
Please take some time to come prepared to this very special ceremony by:
• Making a list of two or three things you especially appreciate about your child and writing them down in the form of a letter on special stationary, and • At the bottom of your letter draw or glue a picture of an object or animal which represents, for you, the special qualities of your child. (For example, you may choose a kitten to represent that your child is playful and curious and likes to learn.)
The Adventurers will wear black and white; girls white dress and boys black pants and white shirt, if you don’t have black & white, wear what you have. We look forward to being a part of this blessing service with you.
Families go to the front of church (Jesus loves the little children plays)
Pastor: Gives a short talk about the tradition of the blessing in Scripture. Readings from Scripture
Parents: “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”—Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Adventurers: “Children, honor your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ‘Honor your father and mother’, which is the first commandment with a promise—that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”—Ephesians 6:1-3
Family Pledge Pastor: Adventurers, you are growing to be such fine young boys and girls! Now that you are old enough to understand, your parents want you to know about the blessings they want to give you with God’s help. Every person needs to know that they are loved. When God gave you to your parents, He gave them a very special person to love for the rest of their lives.
Parents: (child’s name), I pledge to you the blessing of my love, always, no matter what.
Pastor: In order to grow, every person needs food and shelter. Every person needs to be taught how to live in a happy loving way.
Parents: (child’s name), I pledge to you the blessing of my help, in every way I can give it, so you can grow strong in Jesus.
Pastor: Every child makes mistakes and needs to know that they are forgiven. Every parent makes mistakes too.
Parents: (child’s name), I pledge to you the blessing of forgiveness when you make mistakes and apologies when I make mistakes.
Pastor: Adventurers, you are a very important part of your family. You have the power to help make your family a happy place or a sad place. Do you pledge to do your part to make your family a happy family?